Friday, 17 July 2015

The luxury caravan

After selling our 10 year old caravan to a dutch friend (no there is no time to go into this bit now...) We have now collected our replacement "grown up" luxury caravan from our dealers in Germany.  We are hoping for a few more years of adventures.

Still hitched up - only 1 hour old!

Our first meal in the caravan. Weirdly delicious.

Tuesday, 14 July 2015

Fine dining and spinning around

Cafe culture - we have promised that we will be good tourists - and will do the right things. Make sure we stop for coffees, eat ice-creams, follow tour guides, hold selfie-sticks (or not) and enjoy the world.

 So that was lunch

 Art Deco comfort

 Then on to the Prater park and I'm go glad we went on the wheel.
 We didn't go for the dinner option, although it did look like a lot of fun. The higly zoomed photos are not getting published, but the meal looked great.

Another day in paradise

Just loving the city break part of the holiday: Here are some of the places we wondered around:

Not really my thing but I liked the rest of the museum.


Monday, 13 July 2015

Touristing in Vienna - palaces and other places

 Bloomin' tourists get in the way of all my photos
 Same palace - but from the back

From behind a fountain
 The real Hunderwasser haus
This is just the poster - not the reality.

Tourist rage

 Please can you scroll right...

Sunday, 12 July 2015

Rear window

 The view from the bathroom in our B&B near Klaus in Austria.
 Sometimes it helps to do a bit of zooming
And with a child in tow (one of our own), we arrive in Vienna.

Saturday, 11 July 2015


Back in full tourist mode, we stopped in Dinkelsbühl, on our way to Austria. If we had known that the day would include 2 hour stau - going slowly for 10 km, we might have skipped it.

But is was lovely, and hot.

Friday, 10 July 2015

Trains, boats and cars - but not in that order

The day of touristing was proving to be a bit tiring, and we were flagging in the heat of the afternoon sun. Mindful of my last trip to Heidelberg last century, when I got heat-stroke and struggled a bit, I suggested a short seat by the river.

But the tourist gene kicked in again, and we opted for a short river cruise, up to the Marriot, and down again. Our boat wasn't quite like this one.

 Then our way was blocked heading back to the town due to the wacky races.

Then, after a quick Currywurst, we took the Bergbahn back up the hill, and walked back to the Hotel.

Climb (down) every mountain

Berg bahn
Eagle-eyed Dave noticed that our castle tickets seemed to include a trip up or down the Bergbahn.  We had cunningly stayed overnight at a hotel near the castle, so now needed to go down the mountain to the town. 

A sloping train.

 Here is a model - I think you get the idea.

 And so to lunch - We wanted Schnitzel, and we got it. Excellent.
And a glass of wine for the lady...  

I was softened up for an afternoon of shopping. 

A glass of wine for the lady

We had a great day in Heidelberg.

Castle - very laid back.

 Quite big on the wine! We merged with an international tour and had a bit of a delay getting this photo, while we waited for 50 selfie sticks.
And the views of the town are not bad. 

 We actually stopped for a coffee. Let it be noted that we are taking the tourist thing seriously this year.

Thursday, 9 July 2015

Hooray for the summer holidays

School's out for summer, and for a change, we (the adults) are spending some time sans les enfants, who, let's face it, are not exactly enfants anymore.

A rare trip out of Dover to Dunkirk. We booked in March, long before the current problems at the port, but managed to cross on a strike day, so all the DFDS boats for Calais were cancelled.  We squeezed on, and were only 30 minutes late arriving, but our route out of Dunkirk was under the direction of the gendarmes.  

  Hazy Dunkirk.