Thursday, 20 December 2018

Heading towards Christmas holidays

I had a bit of time off around Christmas. Apart from trying to get the usual things done, we also managed to make paper chains (but without a stapler - first-world issues) and tried to get out and about.

Stirling Station
Kept up the running - gloves and 2 tee-shirts needed.
Winter Sun - Menstrie Railway track

Cooked a duck which tasted great. The raw smell was not to everyone's taste. (and minichef baked some bread)
Duck down

Did some proper man-christmas shopping at the last minute.
Primark queue

Played a few gigs with Billy Ferguson and the Kettles family.

Had a lovely time.


Monday, 3 December 2018

Kelpies - again.

We love visiting the Kelpies. Not in the summer when it can be a tad busy, but off season.

Here's why:

It was a calm day.