Sunday, 1 September 2019

The old order changeth

The old order changeth - said the carving in my school as you left the Quad, and headed down the corridor past the girls toilets and the three staffrooms (male, female and mixed - we were progressive then!)

Anyway, this post isnt about schooldays or ancient history. It is about the sale of the "German Luxury Caravan" as it was called at my work.

We have had it for 4 years, and have loved the upgrade from the original Hobby caravan we bought in 2005. 

We had sort of planned to change it after another year, but with one thing and another, plans changed sooner than expected.

So after a lovely week away near Cheltenham (staying in an "Adults Only" site) where there were no small bikes/scooters/weans, we headed home and started planning our next trip!  (And while in Cheltenham, I did the local parkrun  - but that was to be expected)  This was the same day as the re-enactment of the battle of Tewkesbury.

And the reason for the change was that we went to look at a few motorhomes, and forgot to leave our chequebook at home!

So we now have Gino de Camper, the Italian Motorhome.

Once you sell the caravan, you may as well sell the car too, as it was now surplus to requirements, and too expensive to keep for the 5 mile commute.

And finally, to round off the year, we have replaced old Spogl (above) with Stonic the Hedgehog (another Kia).

 It has been a busy few months!