Saturday, 18 August 2018

Runrig - The Last Dance

The soundtrack to our university years contains a number of bands who are still playing these days.  Elton is about to get his last few concerts underway (and I dont have a ticket yet) 

So when we saw that Runrig were calling time I was scheduled to try to get tickets. 

I joined a facebook group, and had a little trial run booking tickets before the site opened. 

Then two days before the sale started, I saw a wee post on FB saying that someone had bought tickets.  I followed the link on my phone and found that the mobile site was open for business!


2 tickets bought and 6 months of a slight worry that someone might spot the error and cancel the tickets.

We could have sold the tickets many times over, but I still wanted to hear the band and it was listed as their last gig.

And it was great!


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