Tuesday, 26 December 2017

The house without Christmas Day

Lots of different things are happening in our house this year. One by-product is that we are delaying Christmas Day for a couple of weeks until 2018. 

In the future, the pub quiz question will be "What was the year with no Christmas day in our house?" 10 points if you say 2017.

Once our wondering child returns from her self-imposed exile in Canada, we shall see if Santa comes, check under the tree for presents, look for crackers, and have a Christmas day.

So in the meantime, we didn't have christmas yesterday. 

 We has a raclette - with no turkey.
 I managed to find some bargain mince pies.

And on boxing day, went for a walk to restart the normal routine. So I have to work 2 days this week, and will have 3 days off next week, including New Year and Christmas. 

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